Monday, August 3, 2009

When I opened my eyes, the sea stretched out in front of me, ever warming in its roar. The roaring sound rolled into my ears, it echoed in the vastness and created a different world: it was as if I was on a different planet. I looked up and saw the moon coming towards me. It was a glow and i was a moth.

Oh God! Yet another day on this tree. I am thinking of going to the left branch, but what is that??? A black round thing that a man is bringing towards me. But I must not fear it, I am as proud as a chameleon!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Up here awaits a call from down there, down there its an entire change of dimension and perception, the structure from down here up there, revolving time with its crooked sense of locomotion, down there a hope awaits up here, up here its all within.
sa ni sa sa sa sa sa re, sa re dha pa ni,
sa ni sa sa sa sa sa re, premer kahini...
rimjhim e dharate,
chay mon harate....
tribute to love...
(need Hajmola?? jus kiddin')

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

two of my dearest friends...
my office buddies :).

Monday, July 6, 2009

kochi moto dekhte, hvy boyosh!!

chawl bhai, cigaret khai???
It was 7.30 in the morning when I came out. I could see literally nothing; the fog was overpowering the entire area and hindering my normal view range. Qutub was awake too. We came out and was greeted by the production boy, who gave us hot typically made tea. The cold foggy weather coupled with a hot sip from the steel glass felt like 'fatafati...puro jomey kheer'! (I had to write the feeling in my native tongue since I am unable to express the feeling in any other language)
Is it me you're looking for??

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Confessions of a young birdie... :).

It was much, much before correct time when I reached there. The place was no doubt, crowded than usual, borderlined by yellow-amber stripes; taxis. "Need a taxi?" was the usual call there. There were people who looked like baggages; there were baggages which looked like sniffer dogs, prying on the edge of each and every person's crouch, trying to find their way. I took out my mobile. It was half past midnight. The place was buzzing with faces, smiles, yawns, babbling young and old alikes. With ease, I found a book shop. After searching throughout the women's magazine for a hideous picture, I bought a Paolo Coelho and retreated to my seat. The unsatisfactory cleavages of the magazine made me yawn. I opened the Coelho. It was a priest preaching at an altar. I possibly couldn't have handled that at that time of the hour. Perhaps a cup of coffee would help, I thought as I paid the man 50 bucks( for a cup of coffee, thats horrendous!) and sat down with a paper cup of instant coffee. I went back to the book shop and without much thinking bought a thriller that I saw at first sight. It was some "Dark of the Moon" by some John Sanford. when I opened the book, It was 3 "o" clock in the morning. People have started to stand near the counters, some for reservations, some for just talking with beautifully dressed girls. I laid back and closed my eyes and opened them. The place was covered with glass, from where hung moving heads, and par lights. A sure starry starry night ambience! A cool breeze was blowing and as I closed my eyes and imagined myself at home in bed, it felt like I was floating...flying to each and every corner of the place; I could even smell the places...

When I woke up, I was up at my heels. It was late. I ran as fast as I could, did all the formalities, paid taxes, and dissapeared into the vestibule. Soon the white door appeared. I walked cautiously, for the first time. I touched the white door. It felt like I was in a film that I had seen a number of times. I walked on the red carpet and sat down on the alloted place. I closed my eyes and opened them in nervousness. I took out my phone; I still had a faint signal. Shall I call up my best friend that I love him? Shall I call my brother also? what will happen if I die? Will it a horrific one? Shall I run for my life, when I still have the time? I looked around to see a gay crowd.
For a moment I wanted to get out, but I was unable to stand. A lady had approached me and I did as I was told. I shook with horror as I found myself shaking; a lot. My ears became deaf with a droning sound and an excruciating pain made me press my ears hard against my palms. I looked out. I was tossed into mid air, like a prey just snatched by an eagle; I was with the clouds. as the pain receded, I took out my phone and took this picture. I flew for the first time from Hyderabad Airport.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

FAVORITE TIME PASS-Attending phone calls...!

Monday, February 16, 2009

here's the sequel to the famous movie-12 monkeys....(Freud would have read it as 12=1+2=3)... oh my God! I am so intelligent! Why dont I jump from a skyscraper? I might fall into the lap of God himself!
...and i thought smoking was banned!
the threads of life...