Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The preproduction hassles of a certain television show led me tread paths which i had left so many years ago. The path that led to my school. It was same, the shops that i passed had changed though. The school had changed. it was painted blue. As i entered the main gate, I felt the same tension and nervousness in me, that I had felt as a student about to enter the classroom on an exam day. There i was standing near the staffroom, the whole scenario changing in front of me, revolving and going back to what it was 13 years ago. At that moment, I felt helpless. Helpless, unable to tie the loose threads of my memory of my schooldays which i have lost forever. It is awful when you forget your school memories, when someone comes up to you with inviting eyes and says that he was your classmate and that he sat beside you for two years. I don't remember any of my friends from my school. the memory is completely GONE!


Supriya Dutta said...

never mind... i wont say u have amnesia as it is quite a long time back..in your case may b some 20-25 years which u have lied in the post saying 13 years... :P

Unknown said...

c'mon...doesn't matter. You are working to solve your problems. That's important!
Love you